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Additional information on improving the process of using scripts and business development - "News"
The voice simulator in the sales script designer “Sales Script Prompter” allows you to teach managers to quickly navigate the script and speak naturally. You can learn how to speak on script by talking to a robot rather than live customers.
An error, “a lapse” - is something that can be corrected. A blunder - is a critical error, that is almost impossible to correct. These kinds of “blunders” decrease a conversion rate, reduce profits, and have a negative influence on your reputation.
In this article, you will learn how to detect the errors and “blunders” at the early stages and correct them quickly. More importantly, you can do it without having to complete expensive sales trainings and without total listening to the recordings of your customer relationship managers’ phone conversations.
In this article, you will learn how to evaluate cold calling scripts, what mistakes should be avoided when designing them and how to improve their effectiveness.
Several times a month we receive different scripts and we are asked, ‘Could you, please, look what can be improved here?’. To do this, there is a very simple checklist of 19 points. If we evaluate a script according to each of its criteria and modify it, its efficiency will increase significantly.